This Site is Purposed to Prompt with kindness the Private Sector Side of the Federal Reserve Bank To Be Fair in the Use of Monetary Policy Powers.  The FED is Unfair in its Program for Those Without Financial Assets who also have Little Support from Strong Emotional and Ethical Assets, Attributes and Positive Expectations. 

This is Distinctly Different from Those Who Own Financial Assets. 

The Email March on the FED is detailed by the content on this website.  You join the Email March by joining this site. You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the email letters and this site. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves in kindness to prompt the private sector FED to influence the at risk citizens with effective fair action. The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act is not first things first action. The emails here can be downloaded for your needs. They are also the numbered tabs on the left index

The Email March on the Influencers of Kindness messaging to all age 0-6 children is detailed by pages A-F located at the bottom of the left column. You join the Email March to create this kindness influence. See the membership page to get started.  You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the Kindness influence. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves with kindness to prompt the private sector influencers. Six letters to encourage influencers to be sent by effective citizens are presented.  They are encouraging the use of the truth reflected in the right column.  See the membership page to get started.

Education Outline for the GOAL 

Book Review of The Goal by

Eli Goldratt, as an Event

Dear K-12 Administrator and Leader.  Link to site

I would ask that you read this story, it is in front of a body of knowledge representing that quality is free and there is a costless, priceless prevention system to making it certain.  This would be your school district method to continuous improvement.  This information is built from the Theory of Constraints, a popular continuous improvement method originally presented as this novel.  You can read chapters 13-15. 

First things first right the first time activity includes being ready to read, count and understand positive expectations starting kindergarten because many students starting are or will be already reading.  The early brain development of language is critical and is constrained for our most at risk children.   The constraints in grades K-3 make language acquisition a bottleneck to be solved with earlier efforts.  High Quality defined by “traditional avoidance” is a science of change management and will lead to innovation and new money for early delivery. 


Your benefit to the story (pages 94-119 of the Goal) is leadership thought about Constraint Management.  Innovation in constraint use is always honored, leveraged and funded when first things first Socratic thinking is used.  Public Policy for sustaining and improving public education graduations are open to this truth for the 21st century.


We wish to help you get the bridge financing you need to basically prepare every single child for kindergarten to your high requirements  and to create a system of doing so that will eventually pay for itself. So please let me know if you would like to review the following books in more detail with me. 


1.       Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox – The Goal, A Process of Ongoing Improvement Introducing the Theory of Constraints – third edition 2004  

2.       Philip B. Crosby - Quality Without Tears,  the follow on book to Quality Is Free, The Art of Making Certain -1989

3.       Eli Goldratt – The Theory of Constraints – 1990

 Thomas Wolfgram, President-  USA VALUES, LLC.  651-735-3018; 

The Goal as an event.

No matter who you are - you are ruled by Socratic Thinking.  ***If this is true, this is also true***  You arrive at understanding by questions by answers, by discussing the current reality, by assuming you can be locally proactive and the undesirable effects can be cause effect cause removed.  THIS CAN AND MUST BE DONE in the world of the public education gaps that start early in the life of our most at risk children.  

Early reading skills must be are delivered

using NewOldMoney, if required

ERSD-RA first things first


This is an outline for several events.  Those in the USA who want to be part of the middle class must critically aligned themselves with the promotions and links of USA VALUES, LLC. This concept will assure your children make it if you insist.  

In order to want to align you likely need trust and confidence. The present value of positive expectations from the best practice pre-k is at least $500,000 for each and every child if the child is ready. This has to be created before the age of 7.  You must believe it to want to create it.  BUT, the new money to deliver it has to be made readily available for you to assume your child can have it for just the asking.  But, individually you have a role.  

The 85 year future arc of the children’s personal, state, and national prosperity, safety and security depend on you when the child is 0-7 years old.  Be proactive and deliver early reading skills. 

We are about making you believe.  Making sure your local community and school district will deliver.  Are you in?  Because if you are in, the time you spend here will give you and your district and community a new positive expectation based on common sense. 

This reading and study takes 16-24 hours to enter a new world.

Please --Join us, Like us, Follow us, Friend us and TAKE IN THESE ON LINE EVENTS!  (current link)

Slogans importantly lead to the promotion that you will create the new money   (NewOldMoney) in our structures to reduce the uncertainty and pain for all races and segments of society and actually help yourself and others climb to new levels.  NewOldMoney for the school districts effort can be created immediately and applied through a process of local continuous improvement lead by minorities, cities and school districts.  We have termed First Things First Right The First Time (FTFRTFT) to create the NewOldMoney to make these slogans the future reality.  

To change everything in education, Think! 

1) Literacy is Freedom  2) To Succeed You Must Read  3) 100% Early Reading Skills Delivered to kindergarten will create a Ringing Advantage.  

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox

Read the book and think education at the school and district level.  Our outline helps you think education as you read the book.


It does not matter what SECTOR of the nation one works in.  Leaders and many followers try to understand what makes the world tick so they can make it better.  This is basic cause effect cause thinking.  This thinking is done every day.  Why are we not doing it -- If Literacy is Freedom- and -To Succeed You Must Read - and we the people must create Early Reading Skills in 100% of the children starting kindergarten to avoid an unfair start that cannot be recovered. 

The Theory of Constraints can bring ordered thinking to the chaos of underperforming school districts  and elementary schools.  They are most important places to use the theory of constraints to look at reality, think logically and precisely and diagram the present and future reality trees.   

Chapter 1 page1

Who does not have a boss that will intrude when your chaos causes problems in the level above or below. 

Who doesn’t have chaos at some level from the combination of people, materials, process, variability, groups, individuals, priorities, conflicts, promises, expectations, measurements, deadlines, distractions, multi tasking and orders from headquarters or the board of directors?

Chapter 2 page  10

In real time one cannot get away from the past and its impact on the future.  Things physical and mental can be at the same time both good or bad, great or awful, depending on how real time is being segmented and who is receiving the language of performance.  On top of that – dependent events bump into each other to create uncertainty and each perspective has its own reality. 

The plan to improve; improve What? When? Why? How? Where? and Who?  Are we really on our 5th plan in 8-10 years, tell me it is not so?  Do we need a new plan?  What is next?  Will there be a leadership change?  Will I be out of a job?

Chapter 3 page 21

Who is afraid of not making the goal?  Who has a job without accountability?  How does one stay ahead of the goal?  Can I play the game?  How does one pick their path through the chaos of what must be simple to communicate but complex to express and impress.  Who knows (consultant?) a solid path forward?  Can you segment the goal to have at least a partial positive situation?  Can your boss do the same, and even more?  Is this fast shuffle done every day and the superintendent changes districts ever 4 years.

It is Socratic that you are productive when you accomplish something in terms of your goal.  Yes or no, or what defines productive?  If you are not moving toward your goal you are not productive!  This is too simple, it is the truth.  Page 32-33, Our problem is universally we do not know what the real simple goal is.  The one that ties today’s activity to the future in spite of the past.  It turns out to be just words, games and numbers when not kept simple.  Who benefits when the performance language is not kept simple? How about simple truth?  Every mom and dad can understand that wasted learning time creates risk of fit for purpose in the future.  You mean your not making your goal?  You mean your not creating the currency of proficiency?  You mean twice the proficiency is not twice the money.  Really? Who thought that through?

The goal for a public school district is understood by everyone at the following level.  Why even use the words, games and numbers; except, when the leader wants to distract from this simple truth following.  

·         Throughput of good proficiency is increasing

·         In process risk to the fit for future purpose is decreasing

·         Total cost of the school district and its community feed to do the above is decreasing per unit.

The above must measure everything to be valid.  Everything without concern for local optimums that may be favorable or not-favorable.  Is there money in this definition of the goal?  Taxpayers want to talk about money.  How do we add dollars to the above?  Total cost per school unit graduated and not lost for our taxpayers might be discussed as a start. 

The goal in many organizations for profit or not is to make money for the future.  The goal is to make proficient kids for the future.  There is nothing on a public list of goals that does not fit into the above.  It is not cash flow, or is it?  It is not to stay in business, or is it? 

Important to agree on the goal!  So the public focus of fit for purpose in the future can be completed.  Lots of undesirable effects hang from the current reality tree;  Lots of undesirable effects are causes from not being fit for future purpose.  How early do the undesirable effects start?

For the private school the cost is one size fits one measured against proficient fit for future purpose.  Private is more simple.  But there is no way to create private school with public money.  There are many ways to confuse this issue.  Many of those ways are not first things first issues to be resolved.

Starting Chapter 9, 10, 11 and 12 page 63.

On page 77 there is a point in time where the leader of change must get through the day, week, month, year or longer on the basis of doing the clean up, doing the current and setting up the changing for the future.  This is not attractive and is not avoidable.  More people should resign when they don’t want to do it.  Not everyone has it in themselves to give the extra.  Sometimes the whole of it is forced with the threat of dead stop if the change is not made.  Often this is without regard to the clear understanding of the goal on anyone’s part.  When this is the case it is never pretty. 

The saving grace is that if you are changing the right process bottleneck or policy the improvement is seen immediately and adds energy to the change.  Often the next step is clear.

In this novel a physics teacher has answers about flowing good throughputs in systems of dependent events over time.  It is physical, mental, and informational effects being described by a physics teacher who applies it to systems in general. 

Certainly a school and education system is not above the truths of physics and math and flow from dependent events.

On page 84 read the novel but think school systems.  A school in which every teacher is working all the time is not very effective.  It can not apply the extra efforts needed to flow the urgent learning needed by a unit to the next step on a routine basis.  Excess inventory being discussed is the same as learning “stuck” with a person who has excess risk of not graduating or moving to the next step to be fit for purpose.  ALSO, it is learning “stuck” with a person who has the knowledge learned but is waiting for the batch processing of moving on to the next grade.   ALSO, learning is “stuck for the good” within students who have not dropped out and are low riswk of dropping out.

Bottlenecks or policies are in the way and need to be overcome or changed to teach/manage to the goal.  This concept will flow most students into individual learning plans to improve the throughput.  Right here it means that school districts need to be paid for extra learning and not paid for learning not achieved.  This is the reorganization for the 21st century. 

See pages 94-119 to realize throughput is mathematical in dependent event systems.  The 80/20 rule applies to independent events.  The Pareto chart of results and averages to be expected applies to independent events.   This is important.  Much common thinking does not apply to local dependent event constraints and throughput.

1.  Dependent events slow down the throughput and make catch up impossible without expediting efforts in addition to the system of dependent events.  Expediting effectively unbalances the capacities to create the act of throughput.

2.  Statistical fluctuation is variability and combines with dependent events above to always create  below average throughput.  Regardless an average is always in use.  In our schools it may be what is expected to be learned in several years like grades 1-3.  The whole of the dependent events that must be processed makes throughput less than a total of average expectation without remedial effort.   

3.  Take the charts on pages 108 to 112 and call me if you do not see that the minus accumulation is exactly the remedial effort needed to produce the average.  The novel format is used to show that if one is just told this, like I am now telling you,  They will fail to see it and use it for what it is worth.  One must understand it to execute it to benefit throughput.  It is key to the payback for early reading skills delivered for a ringing advantage.  So you in the community and the schools must understand this.  How a school releases it fastest learners and boosts its weakest performers will make your school and community.

Suggest this thinking be combined with the capacity constraint and write up the diagram for the current reality tree and the undesirable effects (available but best that you create your own) so the cause effect cause change can be designed to get to the future reality tree.  A key to this is time lost per child can never be recovered.  Page 101 - 112 states mathematically that dependency limits throughput of higher than average fluctuations leaving the system with below average results.  Page 94-119 is a study in why the slowest governs the throughput unless it is unleashed from the system. 

Page 117 covers the idea of the school is not to see who can finish the fastest.  The idea is to get there together.   Really?  Really, why not debate this for the 21st century.  What happens today is the focus on grade level holds up the fastest and puts so much pressure on the slowest that dropping out is a natural result.

But the slowest has been created by early reading skills NOT DELIVERED timely.  Think that the reading capacity constraint is overrun and spilled into the early grades causing chaos and what amounts to unrecoverable or lost brain synaptic closings.  These chapters explain the results of this to be mathematical. 

The physics behind the math will ruin the public schools given parent choice unless that early reading constraint is overcome.   USA VALUES, LLC is begging the school leadership to read the book and understand the math.  USA VALUES, LLC’s message is not in the school but in the community; school district influence must deliver the at risk children reading ready to kindergarten as a risk reduction effort.  Right?  Why try to ignore it?  No Choice!

Before you start chapter 18 on page 136, If you want to go faster and not loose anyone along the way you are going to have to find a way to cause the slowest to go faster.  You don’t want the dropout but it is common sense math, either or.   The slowest will always set the pace (below average)  for the whole and always live with the pressure to drop out.   NOT COOL.  Remember this is math and truth working within the physical science.  

Not everyone will understand this at the same time.  Same issue, bottleneck, policy, dependent events, variability plus status quo thinking that blocks clear mathematical logic.

Page 138, the highest performing schools run with less variation (90% of kids start ready) and they do not try to be perfectly balanced in the application of learning.  Some level of discipline is applied to not move on to the next step without meeting the requirement to start the next step.  These schools via cause effect cause of the first things first issues become a picture of the future reality tree by inserting real reading readiness early.

A bottleneck is any resource who’s capacity is equal or less than the demand placed on it so its process is not overrun.  The goal is to balance flow not capacity with the demand from the market.  The bottleneck is physically or mentally obvious in many cases.  The operation is really derailed when perfect quality does not flow into and through the bottleneck because it more than anything defines total cost and total throughput.  A total operation can have more than one bottleneck but rarely more than three.  If the bottleneck operation creates rework realize it is creating extra cost at the most expensive cost per unit.  You cannot lose one unit of measure of proficiency at a bottleneck operation without losing the measure of throughput unless you make it up with remediation, if that is even possible given our early sensitivity to language learning and our understanding of brain development.


Half way page 170.

Page 185-195, It is easy to say and believe from the top that the critical capacities are being used 100% of the time available, but only a fool would believe it unless the measurements are fine tuned to the reality of the flow hour by hour.  Downtime is often not reported or elevated.  And, don’t forget this is the most critical effort that dictates the total effectiveness throughput.   Even other teachers, if available can help at the bottleneck.  Even if you need to break up a batch (grade) to get the learning completed.  Making the non-bottlenecks more effective does nothing for the throughput so that should tell you about the highest priority for the time and money.

There is a school change thinking process using the age 0- to grade 3 years for at risk children.  See  and  What we say here is not understood. 

What has been presented is more than enough to have very positive expectations for the throughput of the school district if 100% of the children started kindergarten ready to read under the assumption that reading is a major learning process constraint.  This very positive expectation includes many innovations that become possible and savings that will pay for the early reading skills delivered.  This book in the next pages covers that everything will be different once that capacity constraint is overcome and situations will come up that require original thinking to continue the process of improvement.  Ultimately with the internal constraints addressed the district will be able to go onto improving the achievement at highest quality levels.

Because remediation will be greatly reduced by higher proficiency; and the grade structure broken up to facilitate the individual learning plans; then, using the same number of teachers the district will be able to graduate almost all before age 16.   That is the case already for some.  It will become the case for most.  If this is done properly with the State funding, It could create a boom to innovations that increase throughput with incentives to learn more than a year’s worth in a year.  Grade classification has to be viewed as an artificial constraint that only increases cost as it decreases throughput. There is no upside to this in the 21st centruy.  

The roundabout discussion sorts through to some basic truths.

·         Common sense is not common because it is generally conflicted with common practice.

·         Constructive criticism and the giving of answers is not the way to go.  It is strongly resented.  One must find a way around this to be respected.  (See his book - The Theory of Constraints published in 1990).  The math in play in dependent event systems can predict more throughput if the right constraint is worked on first things first.

·         Measurement often prompts local optimization when in fact systems need to be optimized in total and the weakest links to the total exposed to be improved.

·         It is important never to say no without details investigation.  You never know what you might uncover.

·         Page 280, Releasing work because the teaching resource exists is the wrong way to proceed.  It is better to align the teaching resource with the current throughput.  It turns out we have group teaching effort issues on an individual child; not, an individual teacher on a group of children. 

Fact, facts, facts and facts, How do we organize to evaluate the order of the facts  – What is the goal?  Organize the facts within the structure of the goal.  Always increase throughput, decrease in process, and decrease total cost per unit.  Use the current and future reality trees to see clearly and isolate the cause effect cause.  See the book - It Is Not Luck to clarify this. If this is true, then this expectation is true and so on.  

The Socratic flow of education (if this is, then this is) (knowledge = material alteration) has the flow of knowledge from one to another as the “materials alteration process” without the exacting but general order of dependent operation.  This makes the thinking of the education and service process very much alike to a long term project completion process.

The process for the district system is:

1.       Identify the system bottlenecks working on first things first.

2.       Exploit the bottlenecks to free up capacity.

3.       Subordinate to the above decisions to increase throughput.

4.       Elevate the systems bottlenecks.

5.       Break through the bottleneck and go back to the start.

The questions that need to be asked relative to cause effect cause are:

1.       What to change?

2.       What to change to?

3.       How do we cause the change?

 School districts are vested but not funded in age 0-6 child development and education.  So then the first cause effect cause question is logically how do we get to 100% ready to read at the “start”.  Just that will avoid so many undesirable effects of not being ready.  How does one remove the gap to start?  


In a complex environment one needs to use the trees of cause effect cause to construct and check solutions that really solve all negative effects without creating new ones.  One needs to cause major changes smoothly without creating resistance but instead create enthusiasm.  This is the ability to lead continuous improvement.   

USA Positive Expectations are detailed though-out this site in the right columns.  

Values, assets, attributes, messages and stories all run together creating civility in a spectrum of absolutes on the right and less absolute (relative) ranging in degree to the left. 

What messages supported by stories do we want to send our age 0-6 children?

I am suggesting, just to start the concept, that grace and curtesy before Justice be a default and at least these messages be sent. 

If these KINDNESS MESSAGES are sent the message of Justice will logically follow with appropriate understanding and  foundation.     

Be Helping

Be Sharing

Be Playing

Be Listening

Be Smiling

Say I'm Sorry

Say Please

Be Thinking

Be Right and Truthful

Be Fair

Be Happy

Be Smart

Help Yourself

Be Growing

Say Excuse Me

Be Excited

Take Turns

Be Humble

Say Thank you

Be Working

Be Polite

Age appropriate civility is important; Equal starts to kindergarten with ready to read and count skill sets are important.  

Assets, Attributes, Positive Expectations 





































More From USA VALUES, Meanings are brought out within the email letters to the FED.  See # posts at the left. 

Start with End in Mind

First-Things-First (FTF)


Present Value of Positive Expectation from Pre-k (PVofPE-Prek)


Early Reading Skills Delivered for Ringing Advantage (High-Quality ERSD-RA)

First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT)

10 Values before 3rd Grade











4 More Values After 3rd Grade





For Those who wish for an Old Testament Biblical Basis 

Reverence for the Lord as the One and Only

Reverence for the Family

Reverence for Life

Reverence for Private Property

Personal Responsibility

Prohibition of Envy

Do not Lie

Do not Steal