The Email March on the FED is detailed by the content on this website. You join the Email March by joining this site. You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the email letters and this site. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves in kindness to prompt the private sector FED to influence the at risk citizens with effective fair action. The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act is not first things first action. The emails here can be downloaded for your needs. They are also the numbered tabs on the left index
The Email March on the Influencers of Kindness messaging to all age 0-6 children is detailed by pages A-F located at the bottom of the left column. You join the Email March to create this kindness influence. See the membership page to get started. You inform yourself by understanding and contacting us about the Kindness influence. This service is for sale to effective citizens and we pay you to comment and improve on the letters and the content as the site moves with kindness to prompt the private sector influencers. Six letters to encourage influencers to be sent by effective citizens are presented. They are encouraging the use of the truth reflected in the right column. See the membership page to get started.
Private Sector is Rising,
with a New Peace
We have sent this to reach the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and the FOMC; and the Chairman of the Community Advisory Committee charged with providing feedback regarding the Community Reinvestment Act.
We all understand woke and there are degrees of woke or missing traditions and selfishness. I come from the right looking for agreement and action regarding the messages sent to age 3-6 children, age 6-9 children and age 9-12 children. The messages I am concerned with are about being the best one can be (the best of success) and would tend to be centered on the Cardinal Virtues spiraling upward into society based on a positive expectation.
I am presenting to you a “what basic” that you personally cannot deny must be IN PLACE. IN PLACE, requires your judgment and consideration of worst, bad, good, better, and best. I know you want this to be a school district, church, private school and parent issue but it is your issue. Woke is the attitude of first-things-first spending and receiving something for nothing. These messages are designed to change or reinforce the individual attitude of being best from within as one enters the group endeavor.
If you are looking for a solution to this:
“To fix crime we have to fix the family, but before we do that we have to fix welfare, and that means fixing our budgets, and that means fixing our civil spirit, but we can’t do that without fixing moral standards, and that means fixing schools and churches, and that means fixing inner cities, and that’s impossible unless we fix crime. … As a nation we are in deep denial.” Page 2 of the Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe published in 1997 by Broadway Books.
Boldly our malaise needs the first-things-first (FTF) individual lever. Progress within each person’s private sector will collect to the Nominal GDP we monitor every day. FTF action as a fulcrum on the many dots to be connected require Socratic agreement as to what is the total system and what is real FTF highest quality. Where does society get its first level primal power and value, and might it be hidden in full view by those who have stripped it and aggregated it to monetize it?
The Target Market for The 15 Page PDF
This 15 page PDF should be of interest, if you take the time to be honest with it. Nothing matters if you are not basically honest about it.
Cheers. Hope to hear from you. It would be respectful to know the letter emails are reaching the intended leadership.
Thomas D. Wolfgram 612-968-1579
Footing for this effort
See The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity, written by Mathew Kelly in 2018 where he shares and defines a Holy Moment on earth that can be delivered by everyone on earth. The ASK above is a 100% top to bottom change to the real life of mom and age 0-6 child. Selflessness and grace will be filled with humility, cooperation, discipline and other fruit of the spirit (page 58) if the reading of the book and adoption of its simplicity becomes real.
I pray to God that the email marches sent to the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) are viewed as a private individual’s good deed representing his or hers’ “Holy Moment”. A free speech acting with the belief that only our Christian God has the power to generate the intended outcome of equal opportunity based on the individual’s desired intention to influence first things first growth education, economics, emotions and ethic. Our private sector can still deliver Holy Moments, and delivery is the most basic happiness an individual can have because selflessness generates self-esteem and confidence. Sending of this email letter will astound the nation but will also increase the fruit of selfless attention to those around us (page 68). Page 69 ties the whole concept to Mother Teresa and our secular message. Page 79 assures us that this differential will change everything about the future of the nation.
USA Positive Expectations are detailed though-out this site in the right columns.
Values, assets, attributes, messages and stories all run together creating civility in a spectrum of absolutes on the right and less absolute (relative) ranging in degree to the left.
What messages supported by stories do we want to send our age 0-6 children?
I am suggesting, just to start the concept, that grace and curtesy before Justice be a default and at least these messages be sent.
If these KINDNESS MESSAGES are sent the message of Justice will logically follow with appropriate understanding and foundation.
Be Helping
Be Sharing
Be Playing
Be Listening
Be Smiling
Say I'm Sorry
Say Please
Be Thinking
Be Right and Truthful
Be Fair
Be Happy
Be Smart
Help Yourself
Be Growing
Say Excuse Me
Be Excited
Take Turns
Be Humble
Say Thank you
Be Working
Be Polite
Age appropriate civility is important; Equal starts to kindergarten with ready to read and count skill sets are important.
Assets, Attributes, Positive Expectations
More From USA VALUES, Meanings are brought out within the email letters to the FED. See # posts at the left.
Start with End in Mind
First-Things-First (FTF)
Present Value of Positive Expectation from Pre-k (PVofPE-Prek)
Early Reading Skills Delivered for Ringing Advantage (High-Quality ERSD-RA)
First Things First Right the First Time (FTFRTFT)
10 Values before 3rd Grade
4 More Values After 3rd Grade
For Those who wish for an Old Testament Biblical Basis
Reverence for the Lord as the One and Only
Reverence for the Family
Reverence for Life
Reverence for Private Property
Personal Responsibility
Prohibition of Envy
Do not Lie
Do not Steal